Don't you? (If you've not the slightest clue of what I'm speaking,
simply click on the large iHeart Chub Creek Icon located on the left.
In my desperation, I'm relistening to Episode 87- Two Years of Crap; as I type.
Sad? Yes.
Listening, and even relistening to Chub Creek never fails to make me laugh, and generally put me in a better mood than I had been prior to doing so.
Does anyone else think that all the Chub-Fans should rally together, sign a petition, or simply march over to Canada, and demand more Chub Creek?
I'm kidding of course, but I do miss listening to new episodes, and if you feel like me, click the link and leave Dave a comment, voice message, or some other token of your gratitude.
Speaking of podcasts, podcasting, and podcasters: I'd love to have the talent one needs to do so. If I ever were to do so, it would most likely be a music podcast. Not dissimilar to Marvin Suicide, or the like. Another genius-packed podcast, that you may not, but I usually enjoy.
You know what else I enjoy?
Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy Trilogy/Chronicles
I love it.
Yes, I'm rambling here, but be assured my next post will be one of sock, about socks, and complete with pictures of a pair of socks!